(08) 6102 3733

Level 2, 30 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA 6005

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Pioneers Sporting Club

Newman Pioneers Sporting Club

A heartfelt thank you to the Pioneers Sporting Club for inviting Warrikal to be part of the 2023 Indigenous Round!


Take a look at the stunning artwork on these uniforms, courtesy of the incredibly talented artist, Tristian, featured in the front row with the football.


We are so grateful to Tristian for sharing his amazing talent with all of us.


Being a part of Newman’s local sporting club is truly special! What more could we ask for than having netball, football, and cricket all in one place?

get in touch with us

(08) 6102 3733

To find out more about Warrikal get in touch below:

Level 2, 30 Dehli Street, West
Perth, WA 6005